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Project description

The community court in Eindhoven is a neighbourhood-focused court that applies an innovative problem-solving approach to local crime. The court focuses on the person of the defendant and aims to help defendants with problems that lead to crime, such as drug addiction, mental problems or financial debts. The goals are crime prevention, and improved outcomes, including customized solutions, lower recidivism and a safer community.

An evaluation of the functioning of the community court in Eindhoven is carried out by C-LAB members Nienke Doornbos and Benjamin van Rooij in collaboration with Denis Abels (Uva, Criminal law) and Annemieke van Verseveld (UvA, Criminal Law). This project is commissioned by the District Court Oost-Brabant. The evaluation will be based on thoroughly legal study and empirical field work, including observations and interviews with judges, prosecutors, lawyers and defendants.