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Mr. E.H. (Elke) Olthuis

Faculty of Law
Dep. Jurisprudence
Photographer: Ed Gonzalez-O'Mahoney

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: 8.09
Postal address
  • Postbus 15654
    1001 ND Amsterdam
  • Publications



    • Reinders Folmer, C. P., Brownlee, M. A., Fine, A. D., Kooistra, E. B., Kuiper, M. E., Olthuis, E. H., de Bruijn, A. L., & van Rooij, B. (2021). Social distancing in America: Understanding long-term adherence to COVID-19 mitigation recommendations. PLoS ONE, 16(9), Article e0257945. [details]


    • Olthuis, E. H., & de Winter, P. (2024). De kracht van empirie: van regeldruk tot ruis. Ars Aequi KwartaalSignaal, 173, 10271-10273.


    Prize / grant

    • Olthuis, E., Jansen, G. & Rietveld, R. (2023). Digital Transformation of Decision-Making (DTDM) Seed Funding.
    • van Duin, A. & Olthuis, E. (2023). Grant from the Methods and Interdisciplinary and Multi-disciplinary Research Fund.

    Membership / relevant position

    • Olthuis, E. (2022-2024). Docent RIO-opleiding, SSR (Training and Study Centre for the Judiciary), Uniceflaan 1 3527 WX Utrecht.

    Media appearance

    Talk / presentation

    • Olthuis, E. (speaker) (3-12-2024). Het menselijke element in rechterlijke besluitvorming, Reflectiedag Het juristenbrein.
    • Olthuis, E. (speaker) (18-11-2024). Rechtspreken en rechtdoen?, Alumni dag Wetenschappelijk Bureau van de Hoge Raad.
    • Olthuis, E. (speaker) (3-7-2024). De rechter is ook een mens, Avond in de Balie: De Rechter is ook een mens.
    • Olthuis, E. (speaker) (15-4-2024). Rol van persoonlijke opvattingen in besluitvormingsproces rechters, Rechtersdag rechtbank Noord-Nederland.
    • Olthuis, E. (speaker) (25-3-2024). ‘In hoeverre spelen persoonlijke opvattingen een rol in het besluitvormingsproces van rechters?, Rechtersdag strafrechter en familie- en jeugd rechters rechtbank Rotterdam.
    • Olthuis, E. (speaker) (2-11-2021). De rol van persoonlijke opvattingen en de moed tot onpartijdigheid, De rol van persoonlijke opvattingen en de moed tot onpartijdigheid., Rotterdam.
    • Olthuis, E. (speaker) (4-6-2021). Eigen attitude, andermans geheugen en het nemen van beslissingen, SSR (Training and Study Centre for the Judiciary), Uniceflaan 1 3527 WX Utrecht.


    • Olthuis, E. (participant) (28-11-2024 - 29-11-2024). Digital Legal Talks 2024, Utrecht. I took part in a panel (November, 29 2024) that was a combination of projects that are funded by the Digital Transformation of Decision-Making. Here (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Olthuis, E. (participant) (28-11-2024). Rechtspreken in een complexe samenleving, Den Haag. I took part in a panel (November, 28 2024: “Rechterlijke oordeelsvorming”) where I presented about my PhD research and on potential future research. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Olthuis, E. (participant) (17-7-2024 - 18-7-2024). International Legal Ethics Conference 2024, Amsterdam. During this conference I took part in two panels. One panel was about a human-centred approach to digital justice where researchers and practitioners (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Olthuis, E. (participant) (16-7-2024). ILEC 2024 Pre-Conference, Amsterdam. The day before the ILEC a Pre-Conference day was hosted for PhD’s and young scholars. Together with prof. Natali Helberger, I prepared the content (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Olthuis, E. (participant) (2-7-2024). IAS Academy, Amsterdam. Co-organised a full day workshop, called “Disentangling Digital Citizenship”, for PhD’s and Post-docs during an academy organized by the Institute (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Olthuis, E. (participant) (18-1-2024 - 19-1-2024). VSR Annual Conference 2024, Utrecht (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Olthuis, E. (organiser), Kuiper, M. (organiser) & Tobsch, N. (organiser) (6-7-2023 - 7-7-2023). VSR Annual Conference 2023, Amsterdam. Co-organised the VSR Annual Conference. (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Olthuis, E. (organiser) (4-7-2023 - 5-7-2023). VSR x ELS PhD School, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Olthuis, E. (participant) (1-6-2023 - 4-6-2023). LSA 2023 Annual Meeting, San Juan. I presented my research during one of the panels. (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Olthuis, E. (participant) (4-4-2023 - 6-4-2023). SLSA 2023, Ulster (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Olthuis, E. (participant) (7-7-2021 - 10-7-2021). Terra Incognita (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).



    • Kooistra, E. B., Reinders Folmer, C., Kuiper, M. E., Olthuis, E., Brownlee, M., Fine, A., & van Rooij, B. (2020). Mitigating COVID-19 in a Nationally Representative UK Sample: Personal Abilities and Obligation to Obey the Law Shape Compliance with Mitigation Measures. (Amsterdam Law School Legal Studies Research Paper; No. 2020-19), (General Subserie Research Paper; No. 2020-01). University of Amsterdam, Paul Scholten Centre for Jurisprudence. [details]
    • Kuiper, M. E., de Bruijn, A. L., Reinders Folmer, C., Olthuis, E., Brownlee, M., Kooistra, E. B., Fine, A., & van Rooij, B. (2020). The Intelligent Lockdown: Compliance with COVID-19 Mitigation Measures in the Netherlands. University of Amsterdam, Paul Scholten Centre for Jurisprudence. [details]
    • Reinders Folmer, C., Brownlee, M., Fine, A., Kuiper, M. E., Olthuis, E., Kooistra, E. B., de Bruijn, A. L., & van Rooij, B. (2020). Social Distancing in America: Understanding Long-term Adherence to COVID-19 Mitigation Recommendations. (Amsterdam Law School Legal Studies research paper; No. 2020-62), (General subserie research paper; No. 2020-16), (UV Irvine Schoool of Law research paper; No. 2020-69). University of Amsterdam. [details]
    • Reinders Folmer, C., Kuiper, M. E., Olthuis, E., Kooistra, E. B., de Bruijn, A. L., Brownlee, M., Fine, A., & van Rooij, B. (2020). Compliance in the 1.5 Meter Society: Longitudinal Analysis of Citizens’ Adherence to COVID-19 Mitigation Measures in a Representative Sample in the Netherlands. (Amsterdam Law School Research Paper; No. 2020-33), (UC Irvine School of Law Research Paper; No. 2020-61). University of Amsterdam, School of Law., [details]
    • Reinders Folmer, C., Kuiper, M. E., Olthuis, E., Kooistra, E. B., de Bruijn, A. L., Brownlee, M., Fine, A., & van Rooij, B. (2020). Maintaining Compliance when the Virus Returns: Understanding Adherence to COVID-19 Social Distancing Measures in the Netherlands in July 2020. (Amsterdam Law School Legal Studies Research Paper; No. 2020-53), (General Subserie Research Paper; No. 2020-14), (UC Irvine School of Law Research Paper; No. 2020-60). University of Amsterdam, Paul Scholten Centre for Jurisprudence. [details]
    • Reinders Folmer, C., Kuiper, M. E., Olthuis, E., Kooistra, E. B., de Bruijn, A. L., Brownlee, M., Fine, A., & van Rooij, B. (2020). Sustaining Compliance with COVID-19 Mitigation Measures? Understanding Distancing Behavior in the Netherlands during June 2020. (Amsterdam Law School Legal Studies Research Paper; No. 2020-54), (General Subserie Research Paper; No. 2020-15), (UC Irvine School of Law Research Paper; No. 2020-59). University of Amsterdam, Paul Scholten Centre for Jurisprudence. [details]
    • de Bruijn, A. L., Feldman, Y., Kuiper, M. E., Brownlee, M., Reinders Folmer, C., Kooistra, E., Olthuis, E., Fine, A., & van Rooij, B. (2020). Why Did Israelis Comply with COVID-19 Mitigation Measures During the Initial First Wave Lockdown? (Amsterdam Law School Legal Studies Research Paper; No. 2020-52), (General Subserie Research Paper; No. 2020-13), (UC Irvine School of Law Research Paper; No. 2020-57), (Bar Ilan University Faculty of Law Research Paper; No. 20-15). University of Amsterdam, Paul Scholten Centre for Jurisprudence., [details]


    • de Bruijn, A., Feldman, Y., Kuiper, M., Brownlee, M., Kooistra, E., Olthuis, E., Fine, A., van Rooij, B. & Reinders Folmer, C. F. (7-10-2021). Cross-Theoretical Compliance: An Integrative Compliance Analysis of COVID-19 Mitigation Responses in Israel. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Reinders Folmer, C. F., van Rooij, B., Brownlee, M. A., Fine, A., Kuiper, M. E., Olthuis, E. H., Kooistra, E. B. & de Bruijn, A. L. (22-6-2021). Social Distancing in America: Compliance with COVID-19 mitigation measures in the United States. Universiteit van Amsterdam.


    • Reinders Folmer, C. F., van Rooij, B., Olthuis, E. H., Kuiper, M. E., Kooistra, E. B., de Bruijn, A. L., Brownlee, M. A. & Fine, A. (21-10-2020). Compliance with COVID-19 mitigation measures in the Netherlands. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • VSR
    • SSR
      Docent in de RIO-opleiding